So, with the delay in opening until June first- and yes, June 1st will absolutely be our opening, even if its on a street corner somewhere- I have been busy staying busy. Two weeks ago I decided to go home for a few days and catch my breath. Since moving to Michigan over 2 years ago to open The Lilley Mansion I had not left once. It was time to relax and see family.
Well, let me tell you, as a new shop owner theres lots of work I'm doing remotely. First, and foremost, i'm collecting some super deco things at some incredible places. My mom and I have discovered a local thrift store the size of a Home Depot that, although pricey, has some incredible things. We have found tons of Murano glass, vintage glassware, pottery, vintage lighting, and so much more. It's truly amazing to see these things out in the real world. Its not uncommon for us to leave with more than one fully loaded shopping cart of goodies.

Today, Sunday, we went Garage sale shopping and found the most incredible bedroom set. Im talking Jetsons incredible. Its the single most futuristic vintage furniture i've ever seen. It's the dresser with mirror, highboy, 2 nightstands, and bed. Im not sure how much faster I could have given them my money to lock it down. Keep in mind these have yet to be cleaned and restored. These will be flawless.

We've collected enough merchandise that the house garage has turned into a staging area and my flight home is being cancelled in order to drive a truck back up north. This is absolute craziness- we've already got 3 full storage units!
Below is another super cool patio set from the 50's were driving up.. This is from Cali-Asia and is a 3 part sofa, 2 arm chairs with 1 foot rest, a coffee table, and 2 end tables (shown stacked one on another) Im not sure how much more Golden Girls were legally allowed to leave the state with but this is coming north to the shop!

Act this point I believe we have enough merchandise to coast through the summer and into fall, and If my count is correct, we are now approaching 800 total units of inventory..
I cant wait to show you our hard work and all the goods we have collected. I honestly believe theres no other store with this point of view in Michigan. Between us, Minty Vintage, Pine Street Mercantile, and Brass Moon Vintage Im pretty sure you'll be good to go.
Alright, with this, we leave you. Sissy sends everyone her love and Ill see you in May. Let me know what you think below in the comments.
See you soon,