Vintage Deluxe is many things not least of which is a good solid vintage store. We are a place for friends to gather, one of 4 vintage shops in the area, and a small independently owned business. The idea we would just focus on selling goods is missing the greater point. It's only a small part of what we do.

In the late 80's and early 90's I lived in Miami Beach and back then it was the Wild wild West. Many buildings were boarded up, abandoned, and the crime rate was sky high. It was like living in an episode of Miami Vice. Ive never loved a place more. The magic was in the grit. In those days the feeling was you were somewhere special on the upswing. Every day something new would open or go under construction. A new restaurant would appear or something fun would come to town. It was a place where anything could happen, would happen, and was always interesting.

To me, Muskegon has some of that magic and energy. Its already way ahead of where Miami was then. I can see it at places like Pine Street Mercantile and Aldea Coffee. They each attract traffic to an area thats becoming interesting and doing so very quickly. Thats what we would like to do too. As a new generation discovers the area I hope to be a place where people stop in for a quick hello or coffee, somewhere that is part of the fabric of the area. Not just a sale.
Our business model is essentially two separate components. The store will take the lions share of income. This includes Onsite merchandise and our Social Program. The second half is our online efforts. this would include sales at, eBay, and Facebook Live events.
Social is a monthly program where we host an event onsite. This includes classes, dinners, fundraisers, and more. As always, our members will receive first dibs before the general public. (To become a member for free go to our website and simply sign up to our newsletter- thats it) Look forward to candle making classes, the occasional dance class, and so much more. It's a great way to meet your neighbors and make new friends.

Eventually, once we are established, I hope to start Facebook live events. Pine Street has perfected this and I am legit addicted to seeing Beth weekly online. If you don't already follow them make sure you do. They are a hoot! In addition, we will have a weekly Video from the store that explores some part of the business and how we do what we do. I think you will love it. Look for those on

The Idea is our store is not only commerce. We want to be an integral part of what makes muskegon, well, Muskegon. This is a situation, for me at least, where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Each business has a key role to play and each one is different enough that theres something for everyone.
Mostly what Vintage Deluxe would like is help make an already special place even more special. Honestly, when I decided to open a shop I already knew the spot and place. There was truly no other option.
Ok, thats it for now. See you at the Grand Opening soon-
Rober and Sissy